Start Digital to Get Ahead with UNSW | Mohona Chakraborty

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“Even though I’m a continent away, it feels so connected.”

Mohona Chakraborty lives in Delhi, India, but nothing was going to stop her from studying her dream degree at UNSW Sydney.

Since returning home from Australia in 2020, Mohona has been studying her double degree in Engineering and Commerce online. While it may not have been what she was expecting, she now says online study is an experience every student should have.

While we can’t travel overseas, Mohona believes we can still make the most out of the time we have at home.

“To anybody who is thinking about starting at UNSW, I think do it right away. Because even though I’m a continent away, it feels so connected,” she says. “I feel like I’m in the classes and in the social sphere.”

Since studying online, Mohona hasn’t just learnt new digital communications skills that will be essential for her career, she’s also embraced it as an opportunity to spend quality time with friends and family.

Mohona, Engineering and Commerce UNSW student


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